The girls came into the room with frowns and looking at the ground discouraged by a day of hectic schedules and peer pressure. The outlook was bleak and the girls were not really interested in hearing a pep talk or the importance of manners. But by the time Ms. Tisdale finished encouraging them to change their attitude and their disposition most girls where all smiles when they left our session.
Ms. Tisdale provided the following tips to help the girls be successful with attitude and personal conduct:
1. Sit up straight and cross your legs at ankle or knee
2. Positive attitude and smile
3. Speak in a respectable tone and maintain your composure
4. Use appropriate language without cussing
5. Be a true friend and offer encouragement
6. Participate in your scheduled activities as well as class
7. Know your personal space and personal limit
Thanks to the Academy of Etiquette and Charm!!!
For more information on the Academy of Etiquette and Charm visit
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